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3 Fantastic Gift Basket Ideas

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A gift basket is a fantastic way to bundle up a bunch of small, inexpensive items that may not seem very impressive on their own. Everyone loves to receive a fancy gift basket, so there’s really no way to go wrong with this type of gift. Consider the following gift basket ideas the next time you need to give a gift: College Dorm Gift Basket There is one thing every college student has in common: no money.…

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Flushing Common Myths About Septic Tank Care And Maintenance

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When you have a septic system in your home that involves an on-site tank, it can be a little disconcerting when you see all of the conflicting information about how it should be maintained. From online information sites to handy do-it-yourself homeowner guides, you may find your mind in a tailspin with all of the information. Unfortunately, not knowing how to rightly care for your septic tank can easily lead to a plumbing disaster.…

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The Biggest Myths About Your Mattress: The Real Truth Behind Them

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Most people know the basics of shopping for a mattress, but since it’s something we only do once every 10 years or so, there’s a lot of misinformation out there.  You’re going to spend nearly 20,000 hours on average on a mattress, and a bad mattress can make your life miserable. It’s important to get the right one for you. Here’s a look at some of the most common mattress myths, and the real truth behind them:…

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