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Things To Compare When You Shop For A New High-Efficiency Toilet

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A high-efficiency toilet is suitable for any home since these toilets conserve water. However, if you have your own septic system, a high-efficiency toilet is ideal since it could help your system last longer due to the decreased amount of water usage on a daily basis. When you shop for a high-efficiency toilet, you’ll find different kinds, and that might be confusing. Here’s a look at some options to compare.…

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3 Beautiful Ways To Deal With Rain Water

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Rain is something that many homeowners enjoy. It’s soothing, beneficial for lawns and nourishing for plants, and can wash away dirt. However, it is possible to have too much of a good thing. Storms and heavy rain can lead to damage to the home and surrounding landscape if drainage solutions are not working as they should. Things like downspouts, rain gutters, and ditches are often used to lead water away from the home in order to prevent damage.…

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Walk This Way: The Cheap Path To Building A Gate Walkway

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Having a gate around the front of your house is a good idea. If you have a gate that sits in front of your yard, you will also want to create a walkway from the gate to the front door. This will prevent anyone who comes from outside of the gate from walking on your grass and creating a tread pattern that cannot be corrected later on. One cheap way to build a path is to create something from stone.…

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Decorate Your Living Room With Contemporary Style

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Contemporary decorating is very similar to the mod style in that the emphasis is on clean lines and minimalist décor. However, mod and its industrial inspiration can be considered a subset of contemporary. In reality, decorating with contemporary style is more about creating a chic but comfortable space – which is perfect for the living room. Utilize elements of contemporary style to make over your living room. Choose a Subtle Palette…

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The Pros And Cons Of Reverse Osmosis

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If you have hard water in your home, you may be considering installing some type of a water softener. One type of water softener is a reverse osmosis water filtration system. This type filters out many of the impurities found in water, leaving you with softer, cleaner water. However, as with most things, there are pros and cons to using reverse osmosis to treat your water. Learning these pros and cons can help you decide if this is the best water softening system for your home.…

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Cleaning Steps To Keep The Metal Gutter System On Your Business Property Maintained

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After a metal gutter system is installed on the side of the commercial building that you own, keep it maintained and damage-free with the following steps. As a result, rainwater will be diverted away from the exterior of your business, and you will not need to worry about the gutter system becoming clogged, which could cause water to pool on the rooftop and damage materials that it is made out of.…

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Tips For Keeping Glass Shower Doors Clean

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Glass shower doors look amazing but tend to get smudged rather easily. If a person is in the shower and doesn’t have his or her glasses, he or she might end up touching the glass rather than the handle to the door, leaving a smudge. Luckily, it is relatively easy to keep your shower doors clean so that your shower looks as good as the day that it was installed.…

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Three Tips For Keeping Your Carpet Clean With Pets Around

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More than three in five Americans own a pet of some type. In many of these homes, there is also an ample amount of carpet. Unfortunately pets and carpet do not mix. A lot of pet owners treat their pet as a member of the family, but it can be tough when you are constantly cleaning your carpet due to pet urine, mud tracked in from outside, and pet dander. While carpet is not recommended for those households with pets that walk around inside, there are some things you can do to protect your carpet.…

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Cool For The Summer: 3 Flowers That Thrive In The Desert Heat

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Growing any sort of plant when you live in extremely hot weather – especially if it’s dry heat – can be a struggle, but attempting to grow flowers to make your yard look more colorful and more attractive can be a downright nightmare. However, a lot of the hardship and toil of keeping flowers alive and un-wilted can be avoided by simply knowing which flowers to select for your best results.…

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Unusual Ways To Use Sand For Landscaping

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Sand is a useful tool in landscaping. It can act as an even base for a path or a wall, or it can even out little hills or dips in a yard so that a lawn can be flat. But there are plenty of other ways to use sand in landscaping to build a beautiful and unique yard the neighbors will envy. Sand Box If you aren’t interested in the plastic sandboxes widely available in toy stores, try creating a more natural looking oasis for your little ones to play in.…

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