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Correcting Common Myths About Rodent Control

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If you have always thought that your home will not provide shelter to rodents because you are an excellent house-keeper or because you never leave food out, you may be surprised to find that neither of those will fully protect you from becoming a bed-and-breakfast for unwanted, furry guests. In addition, it will also be helpful to remember that although Fido or Fluffy may be able to deter one or two mice from laying claim to your home, they are unlikely to be able to treat an infestation.…

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Artificial Turf: 3 Advantages Of Going Artificial

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Artificial turf is becoming more popular for residential properties. Of course, it is often used on sports fields, but it is now a great solution for homeowners, too. This article explains 3 advantages of installing artificial turf in your yard. Artificial Turf Looks and Feels More Like the Real Thing Many people have a false assumption that artificial turf looks like plastic. They think that the color looks fake and the blades are too shiny.…

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Two Tips To Help You Choose The Right Office Chair

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Whether you’re stocking an entire office building, or just need the right seating for your home office, choosing the right chair is important.  You want a chair that is comfortable enough to sit in for extended periods of time so that working won’t seem like such a chore.  However, with so many different brands on the market, it can be difficult to determine which one is right for you.  Use this information to learn more about what to look for when you’re picking out your next office chair.…

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Land Surveys 101: Understanding The Basics

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Land surveys may be needed under different circumstances. Here’s a look at land survey basics and the reasons you might need one. What Exactly Is A Land Survey? A land survey is done to determine the location by describing and mapping the corners and boundaries of a particular land parcel. It also denotes building locations and any improvements that may have been made. It sometimes includes mapping the land topography as well.…

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How To Winterize Outdoor Faucets

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In the winter months, your outdoor faucets are at the highest risk of freezing and bursting, which can have implications inside of your home or in the summer months after the thaw. In order to save yourself the headaches and expense associated with repairs, there are a few simple steps that you can take to winterize your outdoor faucets and prevent the cold weather from damaging them. Disconnect Attachments The first thing that you should do to prepare your outdoor faucets for months of below freezing is to remove any attachments that they may have, including hoses, splitters, or any other form of connection.…

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The Benefits Of A Self-Storage Unit For Home Business Inventory

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Are you running out of space in your house for your home business inventory? The wise thing to do is renting a self-storage unit for the inventory, as you will then be able to keep the storage space in your house free for your personal belongings. Find out in this article why storing inventory in a self-storage unit is ideal and what it might cost you on a monthly basis.…

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Preparing Your Spare Room For Your Elderly Parent: Decorating Tips For You

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When you have an elderly parent who is all alone in their home, you may decide together with your parent to have them transition to living with you in your home. However, your spare room may not quite be ready yet for your elderly parent to move in with you. In order to make them more comfortable and feel at-home in your home, you may want to take the time to do some slight redecorating before the big move.…

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How To Design Your Trade Show Booth

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If you run a business, you should get used to attending trade shows. This allows you to show presentations of your products or services, advertise your business, and network with others in your industry. Before you attend the trade show, you need to design your booth, including the banners and signs, and the layout of the booth. Design a Simple and Straightforward Banner Your banner is a very important aspect of the overall booth design.…

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Mistakes That Bring The Bed Bugs Home With You

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When you’re on vacation, there is a risk that you will bring bed bugs home with you. Even five-star hotels are not immune to this problem. Luckily, there are mistakes some vacationers make that significantly increase their odds of bringing bed bugs home and if you avoid these mistakes, you will not need to call an exterminator. Not Heading to the Bathroom Immediately place your luggage in the bathroom, since this is the place you are the least likely to find bed bugs.…

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Tips To Help Ensure Your Emergency Lighting System Functions Correctly

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The interior of your building requires a complex system of lighting to ensure that everyone inside is able to clearly see. Unfortunately, power outages and disasters can strike, and it is important for you to ensure that people inside the building are able to see well enough to safely exit the building. To this end, emergency lighting can be an excellent option, but if you are not familiar with these systems, you may benefit from following these couple of tips to ensure that these lights activate when you need them the most:…

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